In a message dated 3/27/06 12:17:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
PLEASE...Some specific eye witness examples that other can visit and
bring attention to the local
sheriff will do .....
What are they testing for ????
What treatment are they doing that is so bad
compared to being kept in a small cage with no
outside windows for years...(many no kill shelters)
What in the world could a sheriff do???  Arrest the people doing research??  HA!!
Animal testing in research labs IS LEGAL!!!!
Immoral, but not illegal.
Also, research facilities don't give "tours" for the curious.........
People can't just "pop in".
Also, I will not compromise anyone that has been involved in these "back door" rescues...
Not the employees, risking their jobs, nor the receiving shelter(s).
Experiments that I've seen animals subjected to....
1) Alternative methods to surgical castration......... (NOT a pretty sight)
2) Puppies bred in facilities, only to have their eyes "removed". (For what purpose?? Gee, they couldn't tell us, hell, they couldn't see us!!)
3) Dogs whose limbs have been repeatedly broken, re-set, then broken again.
4) Dogs & cats with intentional malignant growths
And so much more..............
So, I've seen it.  It happens.  It's legal.
And, it is NOT just being confined to a small cage for crying out loud!!
It's fricking torture and abuse, all in the name of science!
We are supposed to be a civilized society, yet no one flinches at what we do to God's sentinent creatures.
Yet, they raise holy hell at the idea of stem cell research!!
This society is a bunch of hypocritical zealots, that's for sure!!
It's ok to torture animals, but heaven forbid, don't even talk about stem cells.. Chrimminy!
Shame on us!!
And, not ALL No-Kill shelters are like Angel Wings.  That was a travesty.
There are MANY legitimate sanctuaries/shelters where the animals are NOT confined to cages/kennels.
In fact, the shelter I'm associated with is on a 22 acre farm.  The majority of dogs can run.  Even the aggressive dogs have an open area to run & sun themselves.  The cats ALL have outside enclosed areas......
There is a barnyard with a large pond for the pigs, goats & fowl.
A vet tech there 24/7.
Veterinarians are there 3-4 week.
NO animal is denied medical care, no matter what the cost.
Animals are NOT euthanized due to aggression, disease....
They are ALL given a second chance at life.
Including those fortunate to escape the labs.
And, I still stand by my previous statement.
HUMANE EUTHANASIA is a much better alternative for animals than to face laboratory research.
Hell, I even think humane euthanasia should be a choice given to terminal humans.....
(Unless they partake in abusing animals, then I'd like to see them spend their last days being tortured/experimented upon in a research facility, all in the name of "science". YEP!!  With no kind soul trying to usher them out the back door either...)
I've been around a long time.  I have seen more than most.
I've been to puppy mills, assisted with raids on some. (Chalk one up for the good guys!)
Been to livestock auction houses, looking for "living" animals on the downed animal piles.
Been to "factory farms".
Been in research labs at teaching facilities.
Been in HIGH KILL shelters, where euthanasia is an old-fashioned gas chamber.....or a shotgun. (Ky)
No excuse in the world can ever justify the pain & horror we, as humans, inflict on innocent creatures. None.
And, I will not apologize for stating my personal feelings.
I am bitter, and jaded.  Comes with the territory.
But, I will say one thing.  I am a GOOD person.  I have spent the majority of my life fighting for the causes I believe in.  I've sacrificed a lot, but have no regrets if by doing so, I have been able to help even just one soul.
 And, I am older, but not ready to throw in the towel.
Just trying to find some fresh, new blood to pass the torch to.
I've taught my daughter well.  She has grown into a compassionate young woman, active in animal rights and humane animal education.
 I will keep "fighting the good fight".
Call me a dreamer, but I hope one day, the "good guys" win.

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