Bandy knows all too well what happened.  I am so glad you allowed him time with his friend. 
My prayers are with you all.
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 5:14 AM
Subject: Angel Lil Rascal

I just wanted to let you all know that I lost Lil Rascal on Wed. around 3am. His heart failure had gotten worse in the last several days and the meds just were not working anymore...We changed heart meds last week, and I thought they were helping, but I think his kidneys were shutting down at this point...He fought a great battle since last Sept.. so I wouldn't trade the last 61/2 months with him for anything..I think he had more good days than bad ones for the most part...and seemed to enjoy his life...He was always sort of a stand offish kitty, but we became very good friends in these last few months...He would even jump up on my lap now  something he had never done in all the 16 yrs 5 months that I had him...
I had just seen him around 1am and went back to check on him around 3 so that is when I found him...He had just passed.  I left him covered with a towel for a little bit as I had to go find a box. When I returned, Bandy was laying beside him so I left him there for about an hour..I guess they understand...Now I don't know what I am going to do for Bandy as he has lost both of his best friends in the last 3 wks..and is all alone now...I don't have anyone else to put with him..He is the only FIV+ Felv+ kitty that I have now..
Anyway, I know Lil Rascal wasn't Felv+, but if he could be added to the CLS  I would appreciate it...or let me know where he could be added..
Thank you all for your support for Lil Rascal all the way back to when we needed the oxygen cage...You all mean alot to me...I hope all your kitties are doing well today and we will keep you all in our prayers..
Kerry, Bandy, Inky, Angel Buster and Angel Lil Rascal

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