I went to Lowe's and Home Depot and looked at samples/prices that I liked and then knew more about what I was looking for at the outlet.  Don't get anything shiny!  Shiny will show stuff more.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the tip on buying extra tile Tonya. I
hadn't even thought of that! And hiring someone to
lay it is something I hadn't thought of either. We
have a pretty good networking through my church. I
will ask there. We have a Dal-Tile outlet here in
Dallas (at least I think it's an outlet). I think my
husband and I are going to meet there during lunch
today. My cousin told me this weekend (they have a
new house with wood laminate) that the wood laminate
shows everything and she hates it! I would hate to
have a brand new house and already hate the floors!!!


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