Hey Kerry,
I haven't heard from you since you left?  Are you home now?  Glad to hear about your dad.  I hope you can get the fmla and spend more time with him.
Take care.  You've got a lot on your plate right now!

Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Wendy
Very very apologetic and belated thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.
My dad is amazing. He was told he had months to live but he's living every
day to the full and he has never complained once. Not once. Yesterday when I
called him and asked how he was, his cheery answer? "No complaints!"
Today I asked for the FMLA form. I hope I get it so I can spend extended
time with my father. My biggest worry has been the kitties but now it seems
that assuming i get the leave, I can take it intermittently (a month at a
time?). Times like this i wish Scotland was the next door state instead of
3500 miles away!
Again, thank you for your thoughts. Although life is upside down at the
moment and I hardly go on mail at home I think of you wonderful guys a lot.
take care, and hope you and yours are well

----- Original Message -----
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:24 AM
Subject: Kerry M.

> Kerry,
> I'm adding your dad to my prayer list. I hope he
> comes out of all this ok. It's crazy how life turns
> on a dime and turns us all upside down. Please keep
> us posted on his health.
> :)
> Wendy
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