Hey Tonya,

Thank you for the encouragement.  I wish I only needed
to get my taxes done...lol.  I am a tax professional,
in addition to my regular day job, so I'm working like
14 hour days and I'm really worn out, mentally and
physically.  I think I am going to make it though. 
Yesterday, I was really down, but today I feel a lot
better.  Only 4 more days to go...


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Prayers coming your way Wendy.  You have an awful
> lot on your plate right now!  One thing...... you
> can always get an extension on your taxes.  That's
> what I always do!
>   t
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hey guys,
> I wanted to update you on the little kitty that I
> adopted. I decided to name her "Smookie" after a
> black cat that my brothers had when they were
> younger
> and who disappeared too soon after they got her. 
> Smookie went to the vet yesterday to get spayed. Her
> spay went well. She was up this morning eating and
> drinking and going potty and playing. Just normal
> kitty business. She seems fine. I was a little
> panicked to see that Marylyn had lost two of her
> babies four days after she had them spayed, so I
> will
> be watching Smookie closely these next few days.
> It's
> amazing how much she reminds me of Cricket. This
> morning she flopped her legs behind her while laying
> on the bed, just like Cricket did. Some of you might
> think I'm crazy, but if you saw what I see, you
> might
> actually consider that Cricket is somehow a part of
> Smookie. 
> As far as my life goes otherwise, I could use some
> prayers. I am feeling a huge amount of stress right
> now. There are only 6 more days of tax season left,
> 5
> of which I have to work (in addition to my regular
> full time job), and they are talking about drawing
> straws for who will work on Easter. Last night I got
> home at 9:45 and I have a feeling the rest of the
> week
> will be the same way. In retrospect, the cost of
> spending so much time away from my family has not
> been
> worth it, but I cannot just quit at this point. At
> the same time, my husband and I are tiling almost
> our entire house. We are trying to get most of it
> done before I have surgery on my feet on the 25th
> because I will be down for several weeks and will
> not
> be able to help him much. I am also a little nervous
> about having my surgery, although very happy I'm
> getting it done since I've had chronic pain for
> years
> with both feet. In addition to all of this, I just
> got an email from one of my nephew's teachers
> telling
> me he has been acting out recently at school, like
> he
> did when he was first enrolled last fall. I have
> noticed some of the same behavior at home. I know
> part of it is that I have been gone a lot working
> this second job, but most of it is most likely
> because
> he is feeling anxiety at having to go back to live
> with his mom as soon as school is out. He does not
> want to go. I am going to be heartbroken when he
> leaves. If I knew he would be going somewhere where
> he would get the attention and love he deserves, it
> would be ok. But I know he's not, and it breaks my
> heart, and I honestly don't know how I'm going to
> deal
> with him leaving. So all in all, I pretty much feel
> like I'm going to fall apart at any minute. Your
> prayers right now would be invaluable.
> Thanks for caring guys,
> Wendy
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