No.  I would never mix without vaccinating.  I vaccinate my negatives too.......... just in case the test is wrong.  It doesn't harm them to vaccinate if they're positive according to my vet.  Every cat that comes in gets a vaccination and a booster EVEN  if it's test was negative.  Of course if it turns up positive later I don't keeep boostering.

Yep, here comes my opinion- I had a kitten that was a false negative.
When his virus activated after a dental, when he had anesthesia, he
infected three of mine - none of whom had been vaccinated. Two died and
one reverted to negative within a month.
This was my first experience with FELV - I had no idea that my little
one was now positive and shedding the virus - I just know that almost
suddenly he was slowing down and becoming ill.

Bonnie in WI

----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, April 24, 2006 4:25 pm
Subject: Re: mixing

> You'll get a mixed reply on that one. I have mixed, and will again
> -
> don't because I have foster kitties that belong to the rescue
> group. It's kind of a hot potato. Some vets euthanize the pos.
> Our
> rescue vet says he doesn't think it's that contagious (and I agree,
> I
> don't think it's that contagious). Lots of vets in between.
> And...
> some folks say vaccinate the negs, some don't.
> Gloria
> At 03:19 PM 4/24/2006, you wrote:
> >So is eveyone here saying it is ok to mix my pos and my neg?
> >
> >
> >Sincerely
> >Carrie
> >
> >

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