The oral med is fulvicin 62.5mg/ml and he gets 1cc daily for 40 days.
The topical med is conofite every 12 hrs on the affected area..
I know the fulvicin can be toxic to a kitty or their bone marrow..I didn't know that at the time, but his vet said he needed the oral med to help it heal faster, I guess...
We are going back to the vet today as I think he is going blind because of the other problem...He doesn't seem to be able to see very well if any at all...I can't get him interested in his string or any toys..He won't get out of his bed so I took his food to him...He ate only a small amount today..I don't know what to do...I will post again when we get back from the vet later tonight...
thanks to all..
I hope everyones furbabies are doing well today..
Kerry and Bandy

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