Enjoy the time you have with her....forget about "letting her go"  that is a black cloud over you both.  She will let you know if she needs help leaving this world.  Kitty left on her own after two visits from her First woman and without having to travel and go to a vet.  Enjoy your time with her and love her.  That is all she asks and it is the very best you can give her.  Honest.  I know how hard it is.  You can do this.  Love her.  None of us know our futures.  Love her.   
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

I have been praying like crazy for all of mine
so I will surely add her to those prayers!
----- Original Message -----
From: Pam Norman
To: Felv
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: Bad news/JuneAmy

Yesterday was our vet appt in Madison. It seemed to go well. Bloodwork showed WBCs actually a bit high. HCT was 30.  The vet palpated JuneAmy's abdomen & thought the mass there seemed to be smaller & based on that & my report that she had been eating a bit, went ahead with the Vincriistine.
But last night I noticed that her breathing was changed.  And this morning it was not open-mouthed but I"heavy". She was basically breathing with her whole body. So I took her in to my vet here before they were even open. He palpated her & right away found fluid in the abdomen. To be sure he put the ultrasound probe on her ------ he's no expert but even I could see the black blobs on the screen that was fluid. So he did a needle aspirate & found blood.  The tumor is bleeding into the abdomen.  The cause is unknown. Could have been all the handling  yesterday. Could be siimply that with such a fast growing tumor, as he says, the tumor basically outgrows itself & ruptures in places. HJe also checked her HCT & it was down to 26 from 30 yesterday.  He said we had two choices, to let her go immediately or to wait & see if the bleeding resolved on its own. If it was due to all the handling yesterday with a tumor that was already in a taut condition, then this would be possible. He said that is what he would do. Since at the time, JuneAmy had wanted to be down on the floor & was walking around the room, he felt we needed to take a wait & see stance. See if it gets worse, if she gets noticeqbly weaker or if the abdomen gets bigger. He said he was pretty sure she was not in any pain, but that unresolved if the bleeding doesn't stop, she would just get weaker & weaker.
I've had to be gone most of the day but when I got back, I found her basically the same as this morning. She has not eaten anything on her own & is still breathing heavily. But right now she just left the room & is out in the house, went out to the screened porch. So she is hanging in. I don't see any change from this morning. No better, but no worse.
I just don't know what to expect now.  If she is strong enough still to walk out to the screened porch, I can't think that her HCT has gone a whole lot lower. Her belly seems about the same.  So I am just waiting to see which way things go. If she gets worse, I will let her go, be it later today or first thing tomrrow.
Pray for her, please. She is a good girl.
Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it is too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster approaches, then why would you leave your PETS behind?  Never ever ever leave them behind!  Have enough crates for all & take them with you!  They are your family!

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