You know, shelters can receive reimbursement for all those expenses.. including HW treatment….


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: Question about "home" test kits-esp Nina,lol


Ok, here's the "story" in a nutshell......

First, yes, I know about SNAP, I know they can be ordered online,I know they're considered the "best". BUT, they are too pricey.


The shelter I am affiliated with is a  501(c)3, and Idexx gives us a shelter discount, which is HUMONGOUS!!!!

However, since we are No-Kill, and it IS kitten season (joy,joy -NOT!!), the shelter is NOT taking any more cats, not even kittens!!

PLUS - They will not sanction anyone "fostering" strays, as they always did in the past. (Reimbursement for food, meds, vx's, S/N)


Much of this is due to the fact that they helped in the Katrina rescue effort.  A little overboard, IMO. They made 3 trips, each time with 6 people, and footed the entire bill, courtesy of the rescue's $$$$. And, they stayed at motels, ate out, you get my point.

Also, they had 42 HW positive dogs they had to treat.  You do the math.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was/am very PRO Katrina rescues, but this shelter really couldn't afford to absorb the cost of 3 trips......

Now, the "local" homeless/strays have to suffer.


Also, we have been told, that they will not order/provide ANYTHING for us that have started doing "independent rescue".  Nice, huh?  After 25+ years, I can't even get a single tube of eye ointment!

My friend and I, who religiously do the Adoption events EVERY week, are inundated with cries for help!

How can I/we say no?  Especially when we know what the "fate" of these babies will be??


We need to test all these (un)sanctioned strays, prior to adoptions.  Just was hoping for a more dollar friendly option.




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