I've had good luck with keeping them my semi-ferals dosed up with Rescue Remedy for a week or so when introducing them into my foster communities under stress.  It's cheaper than Feliway in the quantities I use it in. 
Good luck to you sweetie!

On 5/2/06, Dudes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you so much for all of your advice, Nina.  I am so appreciative, and
will definitely give it all a try.  RR and more Feliway, coming up!

But I have to say, Cotton is not at all stressed .  He's a happy, cheerful
little guy. He protests loudly when he doesn't get his way, but he's quickly
diverted.  In fact, he is practically humming when he is being naughty, most
of the time!  Many times when he bites, he's purring!  He will put his lips
on me (leg, arm, chin), and I can feel the vibrations of him purring as well
as hear him, and then just as a smile emerges on my face, he bites.  Usually
it's not hard.  But it's annoying, and I tell him he's rude.  And we are a
little wiser to that move now!  We tap him on the nose and say NO.  He's

It is Cricket who is afraid, a bit neurotic and stressed.
Unfortunately, Cricket spends all of her time out sniffing where Cotton's
been and looking for him.  When she finds him, she gets agitated, she hisses
and growls and tries to get at at him under the door.

I try not to nurture her insecurities, but to give her as much alone time
and extra love and treats when she is calm.

We have a plan.  We are going to try to reintroduce Cotton and Cricket in
carriers from far away, so they can look at each other.  I think the Feliway
will be a great addition to this little exercize.  When they seem
comfortable, we will try to give treats, love, and then move them each a
little closer and closer each time, to try to create positive associations
while in each other's presence.

We will keep trying.  If you remember, I was telling the list that a few
years ago, I worked with my oldest girl, Miss for 6 months, carrying her and
rewarding her for being brave before she decided it was safe to come out of
the bedroom because she was fighting- WITH CRICKET.  I'm afraid Cricket is
my problem cat.  But she worked it out with Miss, so I think if we are
patient, this will work out too.

I just hope me sharing some of my experiences will be of help to someone
else somewhere having similar problems.
Wish me luck!  Sandy, Cotton, Cricket, Miss and Myca
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: mixing

> Just another thought...  I've been adding RR, just a few drops to all the
> water bowls, it might be my imagination, but it seems to help.  It sounds
> like Cotton is pretty high strung, (biting his humans, I'm assuming when
> he's had enough attention, but not giving you adequate warning that it's
> coming, fighting etc.).

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's
the best deal man has ever made.  
~ M. Facklam

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