Hi Wendy,
Sorry I haven't answered this as I haven't had a chance to even get on the computer..
Bandy's seems to be able to see a little now...the doctor upped his eye meds, but didn't give us much hope...we go back on Thurs for a re-check..It takes us a little over 2 hrs to get there...It is the Animal Opthamology Clinic located off Trinity Mills and the toll road..It is in the Veterinary Referral Center of North Texas...same place his internal med doctor is located...Have you ever been there? 
Anyway, I guess the ringworm is getting better on BAndy and Inky...I am having a terrible time with Inky's as he won't quit scratching it...and he keeps it all bleeding..
I will let you know what they say on Thurs..
Kerry, Bandy and Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

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