Re your last comment, right! I was thinking I might need the "Ace" more than Gizmo...!


At 03:38 PM 5/11/2006, you wrote:
I've taken Tucson a couple of times across the country.  I never gave her
ACE---I was prepared for all possibilities---had a backpack that weighed a
ton with food, water, wipes, leash, collars, health cert, toys, towels, and
on and on.  She slept the whole way.  I had to change planes and opened the
flaps on the carrier (Sherpa softsided) so she could see out--she sort of
looked at me like I was insane!

The only problem I had was that they make you take the cat out of the
carrier when you go thru metal detector.  I had put a harness on her before
we left home and when I had to take her out, I clipped the leash which I
wrapped around my arm.  Then I picked her out of the top of the carrier by
putting a big towel around her and lifting her so tthat it covered her and
she couldn't see all those people looking at her.  Security said something
about having to see the cat so I let them peek as I held her.  Then I just
put her back in the carrier at the end of the xray machine thing-before I
put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and just got myself together.

I wouldn't use ACE for a flight--they say that the change in cabin pressure
and the ACE are not a good match.  I think that most cats don't like all
those strange people around them and just go off to sleep.  I used a medium
sized soft-sided carrier--fits better under the seat.  At one point, it was
sticking out a bit because airlines had put something or other under the
seat in front of me--steward pointed that out and I asked where they would
like me to put her!  Nobody every bothered me again...

Tucson did a whole lot better on the flight than I did--I suspect that's
about normal!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:21 PM
Subject: OT: sedative before flying (ACE)

Hey folks,

I'm flying to Minneapolis on Saturday, a 2.5 hour flight from LIttle
Rock, and taking a sweet, energetic young Siamese kitty to his
owner.  Kitty will ride in the cabin with me.   I've never taken a
kitty on board with me before, so a new experience.

The vet gave me a sedative, ACE., and am pondering whether to use the
sedative or not.  Someone said that another option would be Benadryl,
along with Rescue Remedy.

Any experiences with taking kitties on flights?  With ACE?  Think the
dosage was 1/2 tablet followed by 1/4 if needed.

Thanks much!


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