Thanks Deanne, I'm archiving the info and sent a forward to Sally. She lost her sweet baby Chrissy this afternoon, but the other kitty in trouble seems to be improving. I sent her the IR I had in my fridge and I'll let you know what happens if she decides to try it. I'm hoping that the success that Cindy had with administering it subq is not a fluke and that it will work for other kitties that stress out at the vet's office. Maybe that would work for your "less-than-cooperative" guys when/if the need arises.


Chelsea received 1/2 ml I-V injections of immunoregulin aprox every 4 days for about 3 1/2 weeks for a total of 6 doses. We're now cutting back to once a week injections for another 3 weeks, at which time we'll do blood work to determine how her anemia is doing. If she's in the normal range, we'll probably continue with once a month immunoregulin injections for a few more months. If Chelsea is still anemia, we'll stay on once a week immunoregulin for a while longer. Though she was diagnosed with severe, non to poorly regenerative anemia, she's clearly been making red blood cells which I don't believe would have happened without the IR treatments. Really as anemic as Chelsea was, I was doubtful that she would respond to the treatment at all but she seems to be doing very well and is certainly enjoying life. We were lucky, Chelsea is a good patient and is very sweet by nature. It isn't easy to give I-V injections to a cat due to their small veins and it certainly isn't particularly easy on the cat either. I have several other felv+ rescue kitties, a couple of which will not be good candidates for IR treatment when they become symptomatic due to their less-than-cooperative personalities. We'll continue to give Chelsea other immune supportive supplements in addition to Immunoregulin and will hope for her continual improvement.
 Thanks for all your help,  Deanne

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