You're an angel Nina----I called the hotline, and another angel answered. She's going to pick up little sparrow by 10 tomorrow---after she's finished her dawn downtown patrol for injured birds---and take him to the rehab where she works.
I've filed the number for future ref!
love and hugs, Kerry
PS--Why does this always happen----emergencies right before I fly to UK?!
----- Original Message -----
From: Nina
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: o/t help--injured bird!

Hey Kerry,
Looking for rehabers in your area I came across "Chicago Bird Collision Monitors".  These folks have organized to help migratory birds that become disoriented, crash into the glass buildings and become injured.  If they can't help, I'm betting they'll have numbers for rehaber in your area.  Their hotline number for folks that have found injured birds is: 773-988-1867.  They also list Flint Creek Wildlife Rehab: 847-602-0628, and Willowbrook Wildlife Center: 630-942-6200. 

Kerry MacKenzie wrote:
Help--does anyone have any advice on helping injured sparrow I just found on my porch? Should I take it to emergency services? I leave town tomorrow morning so have no way to look after him/her after that.

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