So glad to hear Mama Kitty's good news!  Hope things continue to go well!

Last week on Tuesday, MK (mama kitty) was diagnosed with FeVL+.  She was very anemic and had lost 14% of her body weight (1 and 1/4th lbs).  Her 3rd eyelids spanned about 1/2 of her eyes.
That Friday, we began treatment with Acemannan and also a course of Ammoxi drops and Pet Tinic.  (MK thinks that Pet Tinic is evil but that is another story).  The first thing I noticed the day of her first shot was that her appetite increased.
Today we got a good report from the vet.  She's gained 1/4th lbs in one week - up to 8lbs and her 3rd eyelid is just barely showing sometimes in one eye.
I don't know if these positive indicators are due to the Acemannan, the antibiotic, the iron...or simply the unpredictable nature of the disease - but we'll take any and all improvement we can manage.
MK is too traumatized by Pet Tinic (she takes liquid antibiotics beautifully though) we've stopped that and now every Friday when we go for a shot of Acemannan, we get a vitamin B12 shot as well.  We've stopped the antibiotics for now (she took them a week and a half) to see how she does..and if she shows any lethargy or signs that she doesn't feel well, we'll start back.
She's perkier - more energetic...tail straight up in the air ready to butt her head under your hand or claim you as her property.
One day at a time.  I'm grateful this is a good day.

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