I actually trapped 4 adult kitties and a total of 8 kittens from this colony (2 different litters) --- unfortunately,, lots of adult kitties including mama kitty got smarter as time went.. and wouldn’t go in traps.. the ones trapped got neutered and spayed yesterday.. one was having a difficult time recovering.. but she seems to be better today..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:28 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: OT: heartbroken


Is there a safe place to relocate momcat?  I have a mini-colony of ferals in my back yard and two were relocated from another place to there.


Hideyo, are you a member of the feral cat group yet?  You may want to join.  It's at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/feral_cats/

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've done this with kittens and their Momma.  I too was upset about having to put the kittens through the experience, but it worked like a charm and the kitten did fine.  I didn't use all the kittens, just the strongest guy.  If you continue to trap, you'd be doing the ferals a great service by having them s/n and then returning them to the site.  I know you have problems with the "return" part of TNR, but please think about it, you would be saving kitties suffering down the line.
Love to you sweetheart,

Joan Doljan wrote:

A good way to catch the mother is to put the kittens in a closed carrier directly infront of an opened, baited trap.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone, I wanted to share a couple of new things –

I rescued three baby cats yesterday who were living under the crawl space of the abandoned house, which is now bought and be ready to be renovated.. the new owner was planning to get rid of the kittens along with all the kitties who live under the crawl space and I offered to take them.  The babies were actually under the hole under the crawl space which only the size of my entire hand and thought I and Kathy (my rescue friend) were never going to be able to get them out… but finally using a little fish net to get one by one out – they were only 6 weeks old, one calico, one tabby and one turtleshell (?) and they are all so cute.


The one sad thing is that their mama came to look for the babies while we were under the crawl space, she was so worried about us doing something to the babies.. one time, I thought we should just leave and have the mama take care of the babies and I worry that later on, she might take babies some other crawl space near there (there a few, unfortunately), and people might close the crawl space without knowing that they were there.. the mama came back several times (while we were there as we were there for about 5 hours).. I felt very bad for mama but I decided to take the babies from her..


I tried to trap the mama kitty last night but I couldn’t – there are several kitties there.. I trapped one who looked like mama.. but she must be from mama’s previous litter – she is less than a year old..


Anyway, I wanted to ask you to pray that I will be able to catch mama soon (I probably could, if I don’t mind catching all other kitties who live there.. but I don’t know where I could put them now as I am running out of crate) --- and the mama will stay safe and she will not be worrying too much about their babies. I am heartbroken for the mama –I feel very badly for taking the babies from their mama…I know that this is probably the right thing.. but I still cannot not think about the mama…




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