First of all bless you for taking her in.  IF your other cats are all adults and have had their vaccination I would let her mix whenever I was ready.  That is what I do.  I have spent tons of money retesting my negatives who have lived with 2 positives for years.  There is never any change.
If you have kittens I would hold off on mixing until the kitten got at least 2 shots.  In fact I'd probably wait 90 days.
If your other cats are adults and up to date I wouldn't worry about them.. If they've never been vaccinated I would vaccinate, then booster , then wait another couple of weeks and mix.
This is what I do.  Everyone on the list does not agree, but the majority do mix.

Christie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello, I a mom to 28! That's right, 21 Kitty Kids, 2 Canine Kids, 3 Caprine Kids (goats), 1 Bunny Kid and one "Human" Skin Teenager!
Three weeks ago, I found a the 28th. A Sweet little kitty, now named Angel dragging herself to a house on road. Her back half his paralyzed.
I made a page for her and her story so far at:
First I want to say that my heart goes out to all of you , fighting for the lives of your furkids. I have three FIV+ kitties and most of my kitties have FRV but neither of them has made my babies as sick as Felv is known too.
The reason I came to this site is because I have never been told, though it does make sense to, to restest my kitties , after getting a negetive result, In case they were recently exposed.
Now, Angel needs to be confined she is infested with lice and I am having a heck of a time getting her cleaned up but once I do, I don't know if I should introduce her to my other kitties.
The people on a board for handicapped pets said to wait a month, The vet said three months and  when I googled it I got any where between 6 weeks and 6 -12 MONTHS!
Is there some place where I get the actual suggested time by those who really know. Like I have Diabetes so I always check the ADA. Is there an official organization where I can find out the truth????
The vet did say and I didn't ask why that "considering her age, if she tests negative now, I would bet she is negative in 3 months". Why would that be????
She is an old girl. She only has 2 teeth left and her xrays showed bone decalcification.
Any information on this would be so appreciated! I also hope that know one find this post disrespectful, I have the deepest respect for each and every one of you, fighting, instead of throwing in the towel.
Blessings, Christie and Angel

Don't tell God how big your mountain is....
Tell your mountain how big YOUR God is!
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