My house has been mixed over 10 years.  I don't do anything special.  My negatives continue to get their vaccinations.........

Noelle Ehrenkaufer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As I mentioned before I have two kittens who were abandoned that I took in. Both are about 5 months now. I found Loca when she was only about 2 weeks, Flaco was probably 2.5-3 months when we found him. They have always been together and are buddies. The vet recently recommended testing for leukemia, Loca tested positive, Flaco negative.
After researching the archives here and elsewhere and giving it a lot of thought, I have decided not to separate them. Logistically it would not be easy and I just can't bear to see Loca separated from the others like that. We also have an adult cat who is like a dad to them and 3 dogs that get along fine with the cats.
I am wondering what others do in this situation to minimize the risk of transmission to Flaco. When they eat I always keep an eye on them to keep them out of each others' plates, but there's really nothing I can do about the water dishes. I try to discourage her from grooming him if I see it. I usually pick her up and cuddle her instead, which she loves. My vet also recommended giving the FeLV vaccine to Flaco. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?
I just wanted to also share a comment from my Chilean boyfriend. We live in Chile where there is even less information available about this disease. He said that we are very lucky that I speak English and was able to find this site. I have been sharing some of what I have learned from this site and he was really impressed with the wealth of knowledge here and the willingness of members to help others.

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