When my Lucy, who is positive, starting having loose stool, I was really scared it was intestinal lymphoma, which positives are prone to. But she has IBD. Which can turn into lymphoma if  not controlled (or maybe even if it is controlled, I don't know). The only thing that has helped her is switching her to a raw turkey diet. I buy premixed supplements from Feline Futures and mix it with Stelton's ground turkey from the health food store and Omah's ground turkey organs.  Sometimes she still has some trouble, either because she gets some of Patches' food or just because she has trouble, I don't know.  So I keep her on a very low dose of prednisone as well. I had her down to 1.25 mg every three days, and tried to stop entierly, but she got loose stools again so now she is on 2.5 mg every other day. I hope to be able to wean her again, but if she needs it I will keep giving it to her. No food works with her at this point other than the raw turkey diet.
In a message dated 6/12/2006 7:58:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ember is still not doing so great with her bowel movements. I've 
tried a few things: switching to California Natural Chicken and Brown 
Rice canned, giving her a bit of Eagle Pack Holistic Solution... and 
have had no luck. She had a small, fairly loose stool Saturday, and 
nothing since. She hasn't been eating well. I'm not sure if it's the 
California Natural or what.

Anyway, with her last bm on Saturday, I took her to the vet today. I 
had them run a fairly full spectrum of tests, including blood panel 
(thankfully, no anemia) and stool check. Ember has lost over half a 
pound since the vet visit some months ago before this started (she's 
down to 10.1 lbs from 10.7). Last visit, she palpitated Ember and 
found no hint of lumps. The vet, again, looked for parasites, 
including giardia, and found none. She also said it looked like Ember 
would need to use the box sometime fairly soon. The good news is, she 
did just a minute ago. :) It was a fairly normal "incident," for the 
first time in awhile.

The vet prescribed flagyl for five days, so we have that here. 
However, I'm just not sure I want to do that. I've read that it's a 
harsh antibiotic, and while I trust my vet (one of two allopathic 
vets who have treated Ember recently), I just wonder if I shouldn't 
wait for another day or two to see what happens.

I'm going to give Ember a little tuna (in water, not vegetable oil). 
I'm hoping to find some other options that will help her get her 
appetite back. I need to order some more Innova EVO for her, too. I'm 
also considering getting her some Prescription Diet w/d, despite the 
fact that I really dislike Hill's.

Any thoughts on the flagyl or the inappetence would be very helpful.



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