Ha! Probably.  But no, I am just incredibly behind on email after several weeks of craziness with work, and so just read your email from a month ago and thought you might have found out by now if it works.  I did read your email recently about me not being on the list as much. It's just an effect of my crazy work schedule lately, and I have been having sciatica, which makes me not want to sit at the computer for very long when I get home. You are all in my thoughts, though.
P.S. How is Gypsy doing these days?
In a message dated 6/13/2006 1:36:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I haven't actually had much use for the EE yet.  I've practically gone through my bottle of "Relationship" adding it to all the water dishes.  The way in which homeopathics work, (so subtly), I never know if it's just the passage of time, or if they really do help, you know?  I have heard that some cats that don't respond to the RR, do with the EE.  I feel like it's worth keeping it in the house, just in case.  What's going on?  Who needs EE?  You?

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