Hi Maggie,
I have a concern with prescribing abx indefinitely, but they can save your baby's life if she needs them. It sounds like whatever abx they have been prescribing for Lucy is not the right one. When my Grace first became symptomatic the vet put her on, now I can't remember which, either Clavomox, or Amoxi. The same thing happened to her as with Lucy. By the 6th or 7th day of the protocol, she'd start to feel better. It would last for a day or two after the abx was stopped, but then she'd crash again. I took her to an Internist and we decided to put her on Doxycycline because we suspected Hemobart, (even though the test for it was neg). The Dox did work and I'm sure it saved her life. Unfortunately, she continued to have relapses on and off for the rest of her short life and we'd have to put her back on the Dox. If I had it to do over, I would try the IR that Michelle suggests. It has worked for kitties with fevers and URI symptoms for other kitties on the list.


I wrote about a week ago with a newly diagnosed 7 month kitten named Lucy. I've read several recommendations that I shouldn't put her back on antibiotics but the problem is that within a week of being off the antibiotics she is deathly ill. Today was day 7 of not being on them and following some of the regimins suggested to boost her immune system and she woke up today with a fever of 106, runny eyes, and barely able to walk. The vet gave me antibiotics again because without them I really believe she would be dead very quickly. For those of you who do recommend no antibiotics, how do you get them well when they get sick right away? Thanks,

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