About a week and a half ago we had a stray come to our house.  Because I have a FIV cat I took this guy right into the vets office to be tested.  He came back FeLV +, we went ahead and neutered him, I would not hear of putting this little black beauty to sleep, he is a great boy, not feral at all.
He came home from the vets with a little respiratory issue but we cleared that right up with amoxi.  He was just as full of worms as a cat can get, so we've treated him for that but now the diarrhea is really bad and I cannot seem to get if firmed up.  He is on Natural Balance, I would like to get him onto raw.
This boy has not really shown any signs of illness other then what I've mentioned, and the vet seems to think that his health is not really too bad.  I guess I don't know my options and my vet just says that he will do whatever I want but I need more options then death by lethal injection or bring home to watch die. Help!

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