Still fairly new to the list here -- but reading faithfully and going through it all with you guys. 
In review - Mama Kitty was FeVL+ symptomatic six weeks ago - had lost 14% of her body weight, was very anemic, and did not have a good prognosis before I began a five week treatment with acemannon tummy shots and supplements including colostrum. (initial treatment included ammoxi and short-acting corticosteroid shot...) Since, she has gained weight - continues to improve...plays with her toys again and raced like a mad woman across the yard and more than six feet up a big oak tree recently :0)
To be honest -- I don't know exactly where we stand now -- but this morning I asked Mama Kitty how she was feeling.  You can see from the picture she says, "I'm feeling pretty good right now!"
Just praying for good days and hoping to spread a little hope :0)  head butts and kittie kisses  to you all.

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