I took him to the vet today..she is out of town, but in touch with them..They gave him 200cc sub-q fluids, ran a cbc, gave him tagamet injection and Bcomplex injection..His temp was 102.8 which it has been going up and down the since Thurs..
His total protein was 5.8 (not good) PCV was 22 also not good since 3 wks ago is was the highest it had been since he was on procrit last Aug..So she thinks that maybe all his blood work is off due to being a little dehydrated.. He did eat a little when we got home on his own and drank some water..He went to the litter box without falling, but it was all he could do to get back to his bed and fall over on his left side since his leg trouble is on the right..He did walk somewhat better though..but wobbly..
I gave him 3cc of nutrical, too..So they said I need to bring him back tomorrow to be looked at again to see if he is better and for more fluids.  I hate to do that, but if he needs any other meds, it is the best way for us to do it..I could give the fluids here, but he might need something else..His WBC was normal...I think they will probably run another PCV and TP on Monday to see if they went up after he is hydrated and hopefully eating.  I am going to try the immuno-regulin for sure..It might be what we should have done a long time ago..
Nina, have you bought that from the site you sent to me or do you know someone that has?  Just wondering..Please let me know what you all know about this as I want to start that asap.
Thanks again to you all,
Kerry and Bandy

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