Hey Kris,

I don't have answers to all your questions, but
hopefully I can help out with some.  

I feed my furbabies Innova Evo, which is one of the
best.  You can't get it at Petsmart or Petco.  You can
get it online or through smaller pet boutiques.  As
far as I can tell from research, canned food is fine,
and absolutely better than dry (especially dry that
contains grains).  

If Spaz does not go outside at all, I would not
vaccinate her for rabies; no reason to.  That's just
my opinion.  Plus, I don't think you can give rabies
to your babies; I think they have to be bitten by a
rabid animal to contract it.

As far as communicating with others about cats and
various cat subjects, I think the internet is the best
medium for this.  The problem is getting animal lovers
who are not computer savvy, or listserve savvy, to
participate.  I think the internet is a fabulous tool
for information exchange, and much more efficient than
in person.  In the future, it will be the
be-all/end-all of information exchange on current
topics, such as cat care.  

Cornell University is one of the best research
facilities for FeLV.  Texas A&M is also a good place
to look for more info.  There are a few others, but I
can't remember them.  Hope this info. helps!


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