Hi all
I'm just back in the country again after 5 weeks FML, and once again my
condolences go to those of you who have lost beloved furkids, along with my
heartfelt wishes to all the sick kitties for a speedy recovery.
I've come back to discover a friend, B,  throwing her hands up in despair
over her new kitty Danny. (Danny had to find a new home as his guardian, a
neighbor of B's, entered a nursing home.) B already has one cat that she's
had for 15 years and she was quite concerned about how the two would get
along. B does not have the space to allow them to be introduced slowly so
they were basically thrown together, and now Danny is peeing and spraying
everywhere it seems.
Any tips/advice, you wonderful people? I'm very concerned from what she's
said that Danny will soon become homeless again, so I'll be very grateful
for any advice I can fwd to her. (I would get on the archives and do my own
research but I've come back to a plumbing disaster, a friend who I fear may
be on the brink of suicide and now my front tooth has fallen out.)
Thanks for all/any help. Love you all. hugs, Kerry

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