
I think you are making the right decision for
Samantha.  I want to reiterate asking your local vet
about the depo/dex shots for Samantha to keep her
comfortable as her health fails.  

Unfortunately, sometimes money is a deciding factor in
the treatment for our furbabies, which can really
hurt.  I had the same problem when my Cricket was
sick, deciding whether or not to give him a 300-400$
transfusion just to prolong his life for a few weeks,
when he would most likely go right back to suffering. 
If I had had the money, I would have transfused, but
as it was, we already had spent about $800.  So I
totally know how you feel about this, and you should
not feel guilty.  Whether we like it or not, money IS
an issue.  Bless your heart.  Losing your husband and
now your Samantha is sick too.  I am sorry you and
Samantha are going through this.  You have the right,
selfless attitude about letting her go when it's time.
 If you need anything at all, or just need to
talk/vent, please post.  We're here for you.


--- Julia Hagstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Nina and Belinda,
> I took my kitty to the Cancer Center today, and yes,
> she saw a 
> specialist, a Dr. who was filling in for Dr. Harris
> while she's on 
> vacation, and really knows her stuff.  :)  She made
> sure that the 
> problem is lymphoma, and said it is hiding in her
> lymph nodes, which is 
> why she couldn't see the mass clearly on the X-ray
> we brought from my 
> regular vet (the vet I've been taking her to since I
> got her).  
> Unfortunately, when a tumor gets into the lymph
> nodes and then the 
> bones, it is a death sentence.  I know this because
> it's also what 
> happened to my husband; he died of bladder cancer,
> when the second 
> tumor was in his body cavity, and surgery wasn't an
> option.  While he 
> was trying to decide whether to take more aggressive
> chemo for it, 
> after having the tumor shrunk to the size of a
> golfball by chemo and 
> radiation, the tumor grew back very fast, and got
> into his lymph nodes 
> and bones.  His Dr.s knew that it was the end for
> him, and he was dead 
> within a week's time after that.  That's why I know
> that, no matter 
> what I do, Samantha will die, and I just don't see
> the point of doing 
> the chemo and radiation when it will only prolong
> her life by a few 
> months, not a very long time at all.  If it were
> longer, I would 
> consider it, but I haven't got a job, right now, and
> so money has to be 
> a very big consideration, whether I want it to be or
> not.  It would 
> cost about $1500.00 for just the radiation
> treatments, because that was 
> the estimate they gave me today, on top of the cost
> of her visit and 
> treatment today.  She has been given a short-term
> chemo injection, and 
> will receive 3 more of these, but they won't last
> very long, and they 
> will make her comfortable.  She is also on
> Children's Benadryl, to 
> prevent an allergic reaction to the second
> injection, and Prednisone.  
> I want her to be comfortable for as long as
> possible, but she isn't 
> very strong, and I don't know how long she'll last. 
> I want to do right 
> by her, but this is all I can do.  I won't prolong
> her life just for my 
> own selfish ends, and I won't keep her with me, if
> she is suffering 
> greatly; I'll let her go, and set her free.  Thanks
> for all the advice, 
> I really appreciate it.  I've received quite an
> education from all the 
> Emails I've read from y'all, and will continue to
> look forward to them.
> Julia

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