Thanks for that Nina. I really hope she does/tries this. Will keep you all posted.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nina
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: o/t advice needed

However small B's, dwelling space is, she should have a bathroom.  Tell her to make it comfortable for Danny's in there, (the suggestion of a piece of clothing belonging to his former mistress as bedding is a very good one).  Keep food and water down, (as far away from the litter box as she can).  If she can rig the "high walled" litter box, he might prefer it.  She needs to give him a space of his own until he can adjust to his new circumstances.  She should visit him in there, but not be pushy with him.  Just go in with a book and sit on the floor and read near him.  Talk softly and convince him that he is welcome and that none of this is his fault.  He'll be much more likely to use the litterbox, (and get used to using the litter box) if he feels safe and it's convenient.  Not to mention, it will be the most desirable place for him to go in a small space.  Lastly, she should reassure "her" cat that this will in no way infringe on how she treats or feels about him.  When things calm down, she should shut her cat in the bedroom and allow Danny, under supervision to make excursions into the rest of her apt.  He may not want to venture out at first, that's okay, just leave the door open for him and let him take his time.  After a while, put Danny back in the bathroom with a treat and cuddle time, (if he wants it), and release the other cat.  She can also switch Danny to the bedroom and allow her other cat to explore Danny's bathroom, (when he's not in it).  This way they can get used to each other's scent's and territory.  I understand that some people think this sort of thing is a bother, but it's so much better than having your apt sprayed with urine, or having to find another home for poor Danny.  It won't go on forever and she'll be doing everyone a tremendous favor by letting them take things in their own time and pace.  Wish her luck from me and tell her thank you for taking Danny in.

I'll talk to you soon about your hectic life! 

> B already has one cat that she's had for 15 years and she was quite concerned about how the two would get along. B does not have the space to allow them to be introduced slowly so they were basically thrown together, and now Danny is peeing and spraying everywhere it seems. >

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