Speaking of having to decide.... I was just asked if I would take a young cat that is both FeLV+ and FIV+...
How much risk does this add to my 10 FeLV+ cats??? This cat is supposed to be otherwise healthy but
its like having a double whammy against his immune system and is that asking for trouble.????
I had a double pos once before and he came down with a 107 fever shortly after I got him and we fought
it with much time spent in a cage at the vets for the next 3 weeks and then we let him go...
This cat will be PTS tomorrow if I don't take him....  Help.. What to do???

Belinda wrote:
   Here are my beliefs and why I think about things the way I do, I understand not everyone believes the way I do but I don't want anyone thinking I'm being flip when I say what I say:

It's possible to ride my bike down the street and get hit, that doesn't mean I will never ride my bike down the street again.  All things in life happen when it is time for them to happen, if I am suppose to die of old age at 95 then nothing is going to change that no matter what I expose myself to.  That is what I believe.  We give ourselves too much credit for having control over everything, we all decided what our lives would be when we arrived here and it will run it's course as it was planned long ago.  Guess you can tell I believe in more than just here and now!    :)

>>>> Here's my take on it.  The experts tell me that it is possible to be struck by lightening in a thunderstorm.  Me - I've been outside countless times when it started storming - and I've never been struck and neither has anyone in my family or anyone I know.  Do the weather experts need to update their websites and literature?  I'm thinking it might be a good idea to think long and hard before standing out in the rain with a metal pole.  Now - I don't know if it's easier to be struck by lightening than for casual contact FeVL contamination to occur - I simply do not know the odds...but if it's possible - I surely do want to know and take some precautions where appropriate. <<<<<

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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