Oh my god this email scared the hell out of me...I didn't know whether I wanted to continue reading about Shakiti.
Oh I'm so relieved now!
Bless your Vet!
YAY for Shakiti on her tests!
Glad for Mama Kitty too!
I heard a lot of stuff in my time but the "Headless Bunny" cracks me up somthing fierce. I will remember that!
In a message dated 6/21/2006 4:38:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As soon as the vet got in from lunch - I called him.  They had been watching Shakiti all afternoon and given him peroxide as an emetic...but no sign of dental floss. 
We discussed the prospects of surgery.  He said he really hated to do unnecessary surgery - but on the other hand didn't want to put Shakiti's health and life at risk.  I told him I really did not know what would be best for my boy and he said that he would be willing for me to watch him a day or two.  He felt that if Shakiti made it through Friday without any problems - he would probably be ok. 
I told them I would be there in a bit and that I would stay up all night with him if necessary. 
I said prayers all the way there. 
When I got there, I expected to just pay the bill - get my boy and go - but they called me back into a room and said, 'Elizabeth, we have a problem'.  My heart sank.  I think it stopped beating.  I could feel the tears starting to burn.
*graphic description alert*
In a bit, the doctor and the vet tech came out with a folded towel.  They opened up the towel and there were a number of spots of bright red blood along about an 8 inch streak that Shakiti had regurgitated. They told me the blood was a bad sign.  They said - all day we have been watching for Shakiti to throw up and nothing...but while you were on the way here, he started to vomit.  
Well...I looked at it carefully...and the vet tech looked at it carefully...and then we both looked right at each other and said 'Wait a minute!  What's that?!?' 
What was it?  Just a big wad of dental floss.  The doctor got some tweezers and it stretched out nearly 2 feet!
*end graphic content*
Oh my goodness -- you can't imagine the waves of relief and the change in my face, the doctor's face and the vet tech's face.  It was the whole piece - unbroken.  The doctor believes now that the blood must have been from retching the foul thing up -- he said that is not uncommon in cats.
They wanted to keep the baby overnight but I made 'big eyes' and said, 'Couldn't I take him home and watch over him?' -- I just know that I would watch and baby him like crazy and spoil him rotten while they would have to leave him overnight.  They agreed. 
They gave him a steroid shot to decrease any inflammation and some demerol for pain and discomfort.  I am to watch for any further signs of vomiting or if he hides like he feels bad and tomorrow I can start him on canned food if he feels ok.
He is being a perfect angel and he has forgiven me completely.  He's staring into space happy as a clam with his demerol buzz.  Everytime I tell him how good he is - he smiles at me and purrs. 
Oh!  And the great news is the Shakiti tested negative for FeVL today.  His shots are up to date and as soon as he feels better he can wreak havoc and pester Tiffany just like good ol' times.
Mama Kitty still looks great -- although I've got to have a little discussion with her about the headless baby bunny gift she left for me this afternoon.
Thanks for being there you guys....you rock.
p.s.  Always, always flush your floss.

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