I do not have much experience with dental problems in cats, but in humans, if you have a gum infection, you may need antibiotics. Also, I understand your reluctance to put your kitty "under", but it sounds like it's necessary. Brushing his teeth, etc. is great, but the plaque/bacteria also accumulates below the gum, where you can't reach. That's why a cleaning is needed, so they can use special instruments to get it out of there. Left unattended, it will eventually destroy the bone, the teeth will fall out, and very serious infections can result.

Are his gums red/inflamed?  Do you get bleeding during/after brushing?

If you are feeding him dry, you might try feeding moist for now as it will be easier on his gums. Also, something very enticing, like tuna, etc., if reg. moist won't work. Also can try Nutri-Cal supplement, and someone else suggested a different one before - can't remember it now.

I do know that some cats are more prone to calculus build-up than others, probably due to a variety of reasons. It may be that, after you get this issue resolved, you will have much less problem in the future since you are now brushing, etc.

I know others on this list will have some suggestions for you as well, especially on how to get food in him. Good luck and hang in there!

----- Original Message ----- From: "veggiepugs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 1:08 AM
Subject: Teeth

Hi Everyone...
I wondered if anyone could offer advice on feLuk gum disease. Wowie has stopped eating. Not for lack of wanting to, but the only thing I can guess is that he is in pain. I have been brushing his teeth as the dr suggested, and have been brushing with both toothpaste and a separate brushing with baking soda and then a peroxide/h20 rinse. He is so good about it, but it doesn't seem to help, and his gums don't look great. He clearly wants to eat and is interested in food, but seems to be having trouble and it's taking a toll on his weight and i fear for his health. The dr had suggested last time we saw him, that I have a dental done when I have him neutered, but I put it off because I am afraid to put a FeLuk cat WITH a heart murmur under anesthesia. But now, I fear it's inevitable. I can't have him in pain or not eating. I don't know what to do. Any thoughts? I'm trying to get an appointment with a dr. here who specializes in cats. Hope to get in on saturday. Until then, any advice? Thanks so much.

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