Thanks, Tonya, I really appreciate the support.


On Sunday, June 25, 2006, at 12:50 PM, catatonya wrote:

I'm so sorry about the diagnosis.  You will know the right thing to do regarding treatment.  Sometimes I go through expensive treatments and sometimes I don't.  It's really based on the cat.  Sometimes I feel like they want to fight and are not bothered by the treatments, and other times I feel like they are telling me they are tired of treatments and are ready to go.  You know her best.  It's hard to be the one to have to make these decisions, but as Mom it falls on you.  You WILL make the right decision.  Trust yourself, your intuition, and your love for Samantha to guide you.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Julie I am so sorry about what you have to go through with your sweet Samantha.I spent well over 5,000 on my Maizee for her chemo treatments over a 6 monthe period.And she was healthy pretty much the whole time.I helped her until that terrible disease took her.It was to me worth the 6 extra months with that beautiful beast,but it is understandable if you just can't go that route.Just love her and make her comfortable and make sweet memories.Bless you and Samantha.

Julia Hagstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, all :(

Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Samantha
doesn't have FIV or FIP, just FelV. The bad news is that the tumor in
her chest is definitely Mediastinal lymphoma, and it's in her lymph
nodes, unfortunately. :( I can give her chemo and radiation and
prolong her life for 3-4 months, or I can simply leave her be (they
gave her Prednisone, short-term chemo, and something to keep her from
having an allergic reaction to the chemo, today). She is better, and
they drained some more fluid out of her, to test it for lymphoma cells,
as my regular vet hadn't done that, yet; she wanted to see what I
wanted to do, first. I now have to decide whether to spend almost
$1700.00 and get her the radiation and chemo that will prolong her life
for 3-4 months or just leave her be, and my inclination is to leave her
be, and keep her home until she is suffering too much to do anything
except let her go, with regular checkups from my regular vet, of
course. I have meds to give her and they took her off the Lasix, as
her body is producing more fluid than the Lasix can help her get rid of
quickly, and all the other meds she was on except the antiobiotic, and
they have me giving her one pill, once a day (don't remember what it
is) and Children's Benadryl from the drugstore. Please pray for us,
and any advice you care to offer is gratefully accepted. I need all
the support and advice you care to give. Thanks for all your support.

Julia Hagstrom

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