Thanks, I appreciate that; it's good to know that someone else knows what I'm going through. This is my first FelV kitty, so all y'all's Email have been a real education for me, and I also appreciate the support from everyone.


On Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at 11:06  PM, wendy wrote:


I am so, so sorry that Samantha is having a hard time
breathing.  As a kitty parent, that is SO hard to
watch.  You feel so helpless and hurt for your baby.
I will pray that she crosses soon so that she is out
of pain.  I haven't prayed that prayer in many months,
since I lost my Cricket.  He died having breathing
problems too, so I kind of know how you are feeling
right now.  I will pray for strength for you and
comfort for Samantha as well.  Please keep us posted.

Thinking of the two of you,

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