Thank you for telling me this - and the explanation of the difference.  I'll talk to my vet this week.  Fortunately there is a compounding pharmacy just up the road.
In a message dated 7/4/2006 5:00:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Patches does this from anxiety. it is not an allergy with her, it is anxiety. But she does not do it anymore, because I put compounded transdermal benadryl in her ears twice a day. If I stop doing that, because I run out or something, she picks right up and starts at her belly and legs again. But if she gets it twice a day, the hair all grows back and she doesn't do it. The benadryl just takes the edge off, I guess.
Even though benadryl is not a prescription, you need your vet to call in a prescription to a compounding pharmacy to get it compounded to transdermal. Don't use the benadryl cream from the drug store-- that is topical cream, not transdermal.
In a message dated 7/4/2006 7:57:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I would be very interested in that too.  My Phelix has a half-bald belly..and his back legs are little granny legs because he has chewed the hair off of them.  I've had him tested for ringworm and every skin disease known.  I've tried moisturizing washes for cats, Rescue Remedy cream...everything.  We even did immunoRegulin to build up his system.  Nothing has worked.  The vet thinks it is allergies.  Someone on this list, however, recommended the book "The Cat Who Cried for Help" - and after reading that I'm wondering if it isn't a form of OCD.

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