Hi Julia,
I'm very pleased to hear you had a visit from Samantha. I'm sure the new kitty will love you, even if she's not able to show it right off. Animals know more about what's going on than most people give them credit for and this kitty is probably upset about losing her human and home, (and for such a lame reason, I might add). She can't know how happy she'll be with you. I hope she jumps in your lap and purrs, but don't expect her to! Don't worry about how she seems to feel about you at first, let your feelings about her be your guide. Let us know how your meeting goes.

> Hi, y'all :)

I dreamed about Samantha, 2 mornings ago; I had asked her to let me know she was ok, and she did. I dreamed I was petting her, and playing with her, and she was her normal self. :) I guess our furr-babies have their way of wanting us to be ok, after they pass. It was a good dream, and I was very happy that she sent it to me. :) I'm going to see another kitty who needs a new home, tomorrow; her owner is moving to an apartment, and they don't allow pets. I want to meet her, first, see if she likes me. I told her owner she could visit her kitty anytime she wants. :)
Julia >

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