    I'm so sorry about your accident!
You are so very lucky to be here and overcome your obstacles at this point. God has a purpose for you and he knows your a fighter for life.
I don't know what I can offer to help you, since I'm not in the position as well after having major surgery a few days ago. (reconstructive foot surgery)
My time is limited on how long I use the internet having problems sitting still and it hurts like hell. Normally, I can withstand pain but not on this one. Pain meds aren't really helping either.
Believe me, if we are within distance as a group/family please do let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. I have always said this was my other family this being such a caring and loving bunch of people.
You have always been there in the time of need when I needed it.
Don't be afraid to ask us if there is anything we can do to help you.
Your in my thoughts and prayers!
If you need to talk please feel free to call me...I'm here for you!
My herd of 12 sends their headbutts and love to you!
  • Patti Sherry DeHaan
    • Patti TatorBunz

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