You go ahead and vent.  I lived in Texas for two years in my youth and that was enough for the rest of my life.  There are good people, as well as thoughtless ones there too, some of our list members are from Texas, after all, but I know what a Hell it is to be surrounded by ignorant, irresponsible humans.  I live in CA, a fairly progressive state, but my immediate neighborhood is a nightmare for animal care and concern.  My head is bloody from banging it against brick walls trying to educate people here.  I do so pray that the next place you find yourself in surrounds you with loving, like minded people.  It's my dream too.  Texas will be losing a champion for good, when they lose you.
Take heart, you are not alone,

I know Carrie personally and I am shocked and surprised. You know I am disappointed with this entire state and the attitude towards animals. Animal controls shooting strays, gas chambers.....just the fact you can shoot a dog if its  treat to chickens...why I am surprised they have this attitude towards positives I will never know. I don't know any rescue people in this area with a open mind about positives. But then again Texas executes more people then the next five states combined. Its about time they come out of the dark ages. I am moving back east to be with my kids and hopefully its still the south but maybe they will have a better attitude. I offered to fly my vet on my buddy passes to a felv seminar and he declined. They simply are not interested. I am from NY and they say we are cold and cruel but never in my life have I ever been in a state that has little regard for human or animal life. Write a hot check any you wont see the light of day for a long time but commit animal abuse and you might get probation.....sorry for venting. I watched the news last night about a guy with a bunch of wolf hybrids. breeding them of course. They had films of the wolves fighting....the great state of Texas has declared that "they are just being wolves and doing the same thing they would be doing in the wild." mean while the neighbors cant get any sleep with all the noise. BREEDING WOLVES NEEDS TO BE ILLEGAL. There is something seriously wrong with these people. The state seems to think if they have food water and shade the man has a right to make a living.
God help these people for they know not what they do.
God help them all

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