Praying for Lucy here as well.

Tracy Weese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Don't wait, get her checked.  One of my negative cats, Puddin'taine, started losing weight last year and I took him in to the vets' and we ran all kinds of tests and everything seemed to be fine....he was almost ten and we thought maybe he was just losing a little as some cats do....well, then he began the vomiting and it was  very bad w/dry food so I put him on wet food only which almost eliminated the vomiting...but he began to lose more weight and so..........finally an xray which showed suspicious masses and an exploratory surgery which confirmed two areas in the abdomen/ we are going thru chemo and even with a good response, they won't give him more than 6-9 mos unless the cancer goes into remission, which it has not yet although he has improved and gained weight.  I will continue to treat him as long as his quality of life is good, and it is right now, I'm hoping the next sonogram shows the masses shrinking....
I wish I had not waited that year-I felt I was doing the right thing and felt like a fool when I kept taking him in saying "something was just not right" and I spent the money on all the blood tests/organ functioning tests/geriatric tests....I didn't put a limit on it, but didn't keep going with the xrays/sonograms bec. everything was negative and the switch to wet food did seem to help -- my vets mentioned the xrays/sonograms, but even they did not seem to think we needed to keep going until the weight loss started again after the switch to all wet food.
The earlier you know if it is lymphoma the better the outcome may be....cats do well w/chemo if caught in time.   Have the xray or sonogram or take the step to have the exploratory surgery and biopsy, it will likely give you the answers you need. I'm guessing Lucy is FeLV+ and as I understand it, that will make the fight tougher so the sooner the better. 
You have my best wishes for a good outcome for Lucy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 7/13/2006 11:27:16 PM
Subject: Please say a prayer for Lucy

Lucy was doing better, getting over her IBD flare-up I thought; but I tapered her down to 5 mg/day of pred yesterday (did 10 for a week, then 7.5 for 4 days, then 5 starting yesterday) and today she is worse-- some diarrhea with some blood, less interest in food, and under 8 pounds for the first time.  I put her back on 10 mg pred today and cooked her something new (duck) which I am now afraid will mess her up even more. I made another appointment (canceled the last one) with the internist in Red Bank, 1.5 hours away, for next Wednesday.  I was going to try to take her tomorrow, but my mom has convinced me thus far to wait and see if she gets better again from the pred and not take her if she does. I don't know. I fear intestinal lymphoma. I feared it when she first flared up 2 weeks ago, but then after 3 days on 10 mg/day of pred and eating just turkey her diarrhea totally went away and she even got constipated from lack of fiber, and I figured that was unlikely to happen with lymphoma and more likely to be a flare-up of IBD. But now I don't know. She has never needed to be on so much pred for more than a few days before, and she has never lost so much weight (though she also has never been on an entirely protein diet before either).  If she does not have lymphoma, her IBD has gotten much worse than it was.  I am very depressed by this. If you can spare her some good thoughts and prayers, I would appreciate it.

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