I've heard of people giving Bean-o to dogs, is that okay for cats too?  If it's okay, maybe you could add just the tiniest squirt to her baby food.   The vet on the IBD list was kind enough to send me the recipe for adding calcium and B vita to baby food to make it more complete when I was assist feeding Gypsy.  Here's a paste from her email to me:

> Your other option would be to syringe feed her plain meat baby food...but add
some calcium and B-complex vitamins.

I finally got a chance to do some calculations for adding calcium carbonate
to baby food.  A 2.5 ounce jar needs about 50 mg of calcium added.  The NOW
brand of calcium carbonate has 1,200 mg per tsp...which makes it very difficult
to calculate properly. However, you could combine 6 jars of food and then that
would require 300 mg which would be 1/4 tsp of the NOW CC.  Other brands have
different amounts of elemental calcium in each tsp so you need to pay
attention to that. Here are some links to the NOW brand of CC.



You also need to add some B-Complex.  Use 10-20 mg per 6 jars of baby food. 
They come in 50mg capsules so use just a portion of the capsule.  If syringe
feeding, go with 10 mg - or less - because you do not want to create a food
aversion.  Taste it yourself to test it.  B vitamins are strong tasting.  If
using a feeding tube, I would go with the 20 mg/6 jars of baby food.

I would also add in enough taurine to provide 60 mg/day. >

Thanks. My mom did research on the net and told me cats can get liquid di-gel for gas. Is that the same thing? My mom also read an article saying corn causes gas, and there is corn starch in the baby food, so maybe that is it.  I am trying to find somewhere that sells Beechnut, which is just turkey and water, though in the past she would not eat that anyway.
In a message dated 7/15/2006 3:01:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ask your vet about giving her simethecon for gas.  There are baby drop versions of Gas X  that can be used.  I used them with Kitty Katt when she permitted and it helped.   Pepsid also helped with discomfort.   

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