I have this big sign out front (not visible to humans)...that says 'sucker' over my front door.  This must be true, otherwise, every feral cat and creature in the neighborhood wouldn't stop by Liz's Kitty Boutique and Day Spa (my official name for my front porch).
Year before last, I noticed this possum on my porch railing.  I named her Pauline.  She would climb up the rose bush and hang out at night.  She was so tame and so friendly.  I was worried about her - I checked all her little feet and her fur to see if she was hurt because I just didn't think it was natural for a possum to be so unafraid. 
I did some research online and found the National Opossum Society and gave them a call.  One of their experts called me and talked to me for about 45 minutes.  I sent pictures so she could see if there was anything to be concerned about.  She told me that Pauline had just come to trust me and that she felt safe there.  She told me to feed her bananas because they just don't get enough potassium in their diet....also to feed her cheese so she would get enough calcium.  She told me not to be surprised if Pauline had babies nearby.
Pauline won't eat out of my hand but she comes very close.  She will sniff the food in my hand and if I set it in front of her, she will eat it.  She loves bananas and cheese...loves any kind of fruit.
In time, Pauline came to trust me so much that she would let me pet her!  I don't recommend this with just any possum as they have 50 very sharp teeth and their bite is every bit as dangerous as a feral cat's.  When friends, neighbors, or family would come to visit - they would just friek when I pointed out my "pet possum", Pauline.  They just wouldn't notice her there at first and couldn't believe how friendly she was.
Last year, Pauline had two babies -- Pierre and Pinkerton.  They are very trusting too and they like to hang out on the porch and love it when I give them treats.
Mama Kitty stays on the porch a lot - she doesn't mind in the slightest if they help themselves to her food.  One night last winter, I opened the door an startled one of the younger possums.  He jumped right in the cat bed with Mama Kitty LOL  Neither one of them seemed to mind the other.
I know a lot of you are suckers for all creatures great and small too and thought you might get a kick out of my little story :-)
Hope everyone has a good weekend.  Wishing health and a good day to all the kitties too.

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