Good to see you back Patti.  I hope the memory thing works its way out (or back in) very soon.  It must be very frustrating.  I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

Hi all!  Guess I overdid my computer time yesterday cause my one (still good) eye gave out.  What a bummer!  Well, that's life right now for me.
I just found out where I was right before the accident.
Thank heavens there were no kitties with me.  Still not sure exactly what I was doing,but I did find out that apparently I had not slept the night before, guess I fell asleep.  My heavens, I don't want to know anything else.  I did find out that there were no other vehicles (except a parked bus I rammed into) or people involved!  What a relief... I was the only person involved.
My Mom just called.  She was on her way to visit & got lost.  I am so upset.  I could not remember the directions to my house.  And she was only a few miles away!  I HATE THIS MEMORY THINGY...or lack of.
Thanks again for all the kind words and putting up with my venting...
Love to you all,

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