Tonya, I'm so sorry. I worry about that sometimes. One of my sick dogs rested her head on my dangling computer cables and died. I felt awful, like I needed to have her in a perfect room with no dangers. My dear beloved kitty Jacques, back in the early 1990's, was in the process of dying, and I left him on my back deck. I had to get some sleep. He looped himself over the bars of the gate and died, I think suffocated.

I just had an older rescue kitten die the other night - I just came into the room and he was lying there. Why hadn't I seen it? He seemed so healthy. But something was wrong, I just don't know what. They're so fragile sometimes, it's hard to be there every minute and keep them safe and alive. But our intention is to help, so if they died in our hands, it wasn't because of bad intention - we just don't always have the energy and capacity to help them perfectly.


> I just woke and Grayson was dead. I think I smothered him. I think
> 2:30 was the last time he woke me up to be fed. I had him up by my
> neck but remember finding him sleeping down next to me at one point
> and moving him back up. I guess it didn't cross my mind at the time
> that he should have been screaming for food at that point. I just
> moved him back up higher on the bed and covered him in his little
> towel and fell back asleep. When I woke again I wondered why he
> hadn't cried yet or moved over to my neck. He was dead because I had
> killed him.
> tonya

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