I have been on this list for a few years and I can tell you that you have come to the right place for expert answers about felv. Young kitten can throw off the virus and test negative. If she is healthy now I wouldn't even consider euthanasia. Many of us here have Cats who live long and healthy lives. I have had several who have lived to there teens and some who die young ,but it is always worth it to give them a chance. I don't separate my positives from negatives,but some of us do . I'm not as knowledgeable as some of our members all I can tell you is to love her and feed her good quality food keep her away from other sick kitties. You'll soon be hearing from others about supplements that will keep her immune system strong. Listen to what they have to say .There are many here who I trust more than my vet,because I have had vets tell me to put to sleep several cats before that have gone on to live long happy lives. My Charlie Brown is 14 years old felv positive and healthy as can be. My vet wanted to put him to sleep years go and I said no and I am so glad I did. Welcome to the group. 
Sheila in SC

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