Kittens often fight off the virus.  If your cats have never been tested they could have given it to her actually.
My advice would be to vaccinate everyone and then retest in 3 months to see if anyone is truly negative.  At that point I would only vaccinate the negatives.
The virus is not spread that easily and it doesn't sound like your vet is very up to date on felv.
Good luck.  One of our members just lost an felv positive cat this week who was 16 years old.  There's certainly no need to euthanize your new kitten.

kandbz_ mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello! I recently adopted a kitten...she is now 15 weeks old. The lady I got her from emailed me and said my kittens brother tested positive.  We went to the vet for a checkup on Monday and she tested positive for Felv.  The vet came out right away and said I may want to think about having her euthanized. I asked if we could wait and then do the other test, the one done at the lab.  He said we can, but since she came up positive so young, she probably does have Felv.  I am just heartbroken.  SHe has no symptoms and is just the sweetest cat ever.  I have to get my other two cats tested for it.  My cats are 7 and 3 yrs old.  They have never been tested for Felv because they don't automatically test here.  When you take a cat or kitten in for a "checkup" they just routinely give out the vaccine and don't test unless you ask for it.  You would think that as fast as this disease spreads, they would be testing EVERY kitten/cat.  I'm worried that my other two cats are going to have it now, too.  Does anyone know, would I have to have all three of them euthanized if that were the case??  I'm still learning about this disease from reading things on the internet.  Would it be possible to keep her??
Any advice would be helpful and appreciated.
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