last summer, when i had 28 kittens in the house (yeah, i know--what WAS i thinking....), i had a couple of orphans who weren't thriving, and whom i didn't think would make it... as i'm of the large, economy-sized human type, i worried about rolling over on them, too, but also couldn't bear the thought that they might have to cross the bridge without someone nearby. like grayson, these were TEENY, TINY babies, only days old--with one, i wrapped her in a small towel, and placed her in a little wicker basket next to me--she wasn't moving much on her own, so i knew she wasn't too likely to find her way out of the basket. (i even have a photo of her someplace in it.) for another one, who was a bit more active, but just as small, i had this silly 4" x 6" x 8" screened-in 'bug trap" with a door on one end.... that's where peanut slept at night, next to me but safe.... sigh. neither of these little ones made it, tho the third frail baby, born with a deformed rear leg, is now a big strapping 14-month-old... (who says there is NOTHING wrong with his back leg at all, thankyouverymuch, it just happens to work a bit differently than his other three.... there's no hip socket on that leg, just a rudimentary ball, and that knee is on, essentially, upside down and backwards.... he was also the ONLY one of his litter of five to live, so there's just no logic at all to kitten survival.... mommy barb, of our list, is his honorary fairy godmother, and has his photos as her wallpaper!)
we just need to love them the best ways we can...

On 7/20/06, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lol.  ain't that the truth.
of course you can just smother them like I do. just kidding.  I'm over the grief and guilt a bit, just angry with myself.
and normally I wouldn't let a baby sleep with me for that very reason, Wendy.  But it was only 3 days old and all alone.  It cried when I left it by itself.  It had been waking me up.  I just think I was so tired I wasn't thinking clearly and should have realized something was wrong.  It just makes me mad at myself.

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"foster" is a word that very easily transmutes into "forever...."

On 7/20/06, Nina < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Congratulations on officially adopting Rafferty, CousCous and Xander!  Lucky boys and lucky you!  I never even pretend to "foster".  It's sort of like lending my brother money, once it's in his hands, it's never going back!

Sherry DeHaan wrote:
You know last night I was just thinking that I never communicate with the fiv org.I just love everyone here that I never think to post there.I brought Rafferty and CousCous home at the beginning of the year and Xander 2 weeks tomorrow.They are the sweetest most loving boys.I was just fostering them but decided to officially adopt them.I know I am never taking them back. :)
Just wanted to tell you about my boys.Thanks for listening and for all your prayers for my sanctuary fur kids. :)

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