Hi, it's me, Diane R., just signed on from my home account. ;-)
And already with another question!!
Patches has fairly steadily had runny eyes -- in its liquid form before it becomes eye boogers, it's clear but a very pale pink.  Is this a symptom of something?   Today the eye boogers were worse than usual, and he was very subdued. 
He has had less of an appetite than usual the past few days -- although our perception of "normal" is somewhat skewed since he came to us half-starved and full of parasites.  When his appetite started decreasing, we thought it might be the Missing Link we had started to sprinkle in it, so we tried giving him half a can with some sprinkles and then, hours later, the other half of the can the next morning, without.  But then he wasn't finishing either portion.  He had been freefeeding on crunchies fairly steadily, so we were wondering if maybe his appetite had evened out after the first few days of wanting any and all nourishment.  But of course we're also trying to beef him up, so last night we tried a whole can of A/D and he wolfed it down.
I guess at this point we're bogged down in variables -- appetite evening out, not liking the Missing Link, not liking the particular variety du jour, the recent heat.  We're in kind of a bind because we don't feel we have time to "wait and see" since if he truly is FeLV+, the runny eyes, the subduedness, the lessened appetite might mean he's come down with something that needs treating.
So, has anybody here had experience with these kinds of symptoms in combination?  Any input welcome.
Diane R.

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= ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ =
"Nice kitty!"
     -- Prof. Radcliffe Emerson
          The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog
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