Just read your other email, Nina, about rescuing that dear one.  You saved her life and I am so glad she tested negative.  Thank you for sharing that with us.  I hope so much she will find a wonderful home.
In a message dated 7/27/2006 1:11:03 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yep, she was tested and is negative for both!   Thanks for the good
vibes.  This will be a test to see how much I can push myself to find
her a home.  I'm usually so lousy at adoption!

Kat wrote:

>Oh Nina,
>LOL - I can just picture you marching over there in pajamas armed with
>a carrier and a dish of food - Thank you for all that you've done for her.
>Yes, it's sad that her 5 little ones were never born, but it would have
>been even sadder if all 6 had perished due to her poor health condition.
>Did the vet test her for FeLV and FIV??
>I'm sending out "good home vibes" to help you find her a forever home.
>Kat (Mew Jersey)


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