Poor Rusty.  The plight of Rusty and animals everywhere....... not just nola is horrible.

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rusty got rushed to emergency vet and was getting all he needed… sort of maxed out his caretaker’s credit card!  I haven’t heard how he was doing today but last I heard, things were not going well and vet was not too optomistic.  It is very frustrating as he was somebody’s pet in MS and caretakers have been feeding a whole bunch of cats and dogs hoping that owners will find them again.  I’m in NY and volunteer in an internet group that tries to locate owners (never been to NOLA!).  The ‘feeders’ as they’re called, are a handful of volunteers in the area who try and take care of thousands of now stray pets.  Some do it through some small fledgling animal rescue groups; others, like Rusty’s caretaker, do it on their own….
Just today, another cat got found by owner who was sure cat had died or was rescued but could not be found on the internet.  Feeders post pictures of all the animals they feed on the internet at one of the pictures sites and owners, now scattered all over the country, contact them if they think they see their pet.  Of course, many of those pets are not neutered and we all know what that means!  Just about nobody is even trying to trap any animals as there’s just no room to put them!  I’ve got one elderly man living in a trailer in his driveway who feeds all the strays in his neighborhood.  He is desperate to have somebody come and trap them to neuter them-he’ll take care of them and a couple of us sort of help him with food money—but there’s nobody available to even trap them for neutering..  I just don’t think there’s ever been anything like this!  It just goes on and on…
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:33 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Thank you: Emergency aid for vet bills...
Poor Rusty. Do they have him back on insulin now, or is that what the money is needed for? If he is laying around and sleeping all the time, and not eating, but drinking a lot, then he has high blood glucose, and needs to be injected with insulin. If he seems "spacey" or begins to have seizures or acts like he is having neurological impairment, then he may be hypoglycemic (meaning he got too much insulin for the amount of food he's eating), and would need to be put on a glucose drip IV. It's especially important for him to eat if he is getting his insulin injections, if he's NOT getting the injections, then his not eating may actually be helping him... the carbs in food turn into blood glucose, and that's bad for diabetics. If he's not getting his injections, then I highly recommend a very low carb cat food, one with NO grains is best, such as Innova Evo, OR even better, raw meat only. Meat has almost no carbs by itself. Normal grocery store cat foods are VERY VERY bad for diabetic cats (corn is horrible with it's high carbs), and I know that with the huge numbers down there, you guys are probably having to buy the cheapest stuff you can find. Try to get the cheapest ground beef or the chicken legs and thighs.. a pound will last a few feedings for one cat, and it isn't very much more expensive than cheap cat food.

PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS!

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