Amy, I am so sorry about your sweet Rocket...........I had a 10 mo. old baby (not the same as a newborn) and a doberman puppy at the same time. The saving grace was a large crate for Bishop (the dobe.) in the kitchen.  And lots and lots of mild disinfectant-but no spray cans!!  and paper towels for the kitchen floor least we had a fenced back yard.........I think it depends on how badly you want another Great Dane at this time . You probably will get crazy alot, but at least your heart won't hurt nearly as much .  Make a written list of pros and cons before you decide.......and at least wait a week.  Is this your first baby?  They take alot more time than you would think................

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Off Topic - Rocket, our Great Dane, is gone

I am so sorry to hear about Rocket.  I know it seems quiet at your house right now.  As far as getting a puppy I think I would wait.  Having a baby is such a hard job by itself that I don't think I'd want to take on a new puppy at the same time.
If you do decide to get a dog I recommend you get a very calm breed, older dog who won't mind having his tail pulled, his ears pulled, and a crawling baby getting into his dog dish!
My sister had a baby with 3 dogs.  One was afraid of the baby and stayed out of his sight as much as possible.  The other tried to bite him (but she was a little 18 year old yorkie with no teeth left. lol)  The 3rd dog was a basset, beagle, jack russell mix who licked all over the baby and played with him and let him pull his tail and ears, ride on his back etc...... Just a very easy going dog.  You have to be careful because children don't understand about hurting animals until they reach a certain age. 

Amy Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

You probably remember me posting trying to find a home
for a kitty a few weeks ago because I'm pregnant and
had a Great Dane with bone cancer and couldn't take it

Well I'm just writing to let you know that we lost our
Great Dane this week. I've lost so many cats to
leukemia that I thought I was prepared for this but I
wasn't. It's awful. Rocket did everything with us,
even squeezed into our bed at night despite there
being no room with us and 5 kitties. Rocket isn't a
cat but he was as much part of our family as our five
kitties who now miss him terribly.

I also have one question. I'm heartbroken and I miss
him terribly and want to go out and get another one.
Whenever I lose a kitty, I always go find another one
to rescue. I'm not replacing the one that is lost but
it helps me move on. I'm expecting a baby Sep 6th and
everybody tells me I'm crazy to think about a puppy
but our house is so empty without a Great Dane and the
cats miss him as much as we do. Has anybody ever
raised a puppy and a newborn at the same time? Any
suggestions or thoughts? Is it selfish to bring a
puppy in right now?


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