Wow Nina!  I feel like I've just read one of the
stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul for Cat Lovers!
 That's how I know that Matilda's story will have a
good ending.  She can't help but win with you on her
side, so in-tune to her needs.  Bless you for helping
another little one!  Matilda is truly blessed.  I hope
you can find her previous owners if they are worth
being found, and if not, a wonderful home for this
little angel.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As happens so often, my latest little refugee from
> the street found her 
> way to me.  One morning about 2 weeks ago, I went to
> pick up the feral 
> food dishes in my front yard and noticed a little
> tuxy/tabby gray and 
> white kitty sitting, pretty as you please, watching
> me from across the 
> street in my neighbor's front yard.  Now, I know
> almost all of the cats 
> and dogs in my neighborhood by name, and I'd never
> seen this little one 
> before.  I went over to introduce myself.  She
> didn't run, she just 
> cautiously stood her ground, sitting in that 'good
> kitty position', and 
> watched with huge expressive emerald eyes to see
> what I was up to.  My 
> neighbor came out and the little one took off into a
> back yard.  That 
> night, she showed up at my food dishes.  I went out
> to talk to her and 
> saw that she was VERY pregnant!  Aaggrh!  I brought
> her a dish of wet 
> food and she hungrily gobbled and growled.  She
> wouldn't let me touch 
> her, but I knew she wasn't truly "feral", only a
> stray would eat in 
> front of a stranger like that.  The next morning she
> was back at her 
> post across the street.  Determined to catch her
> before she had her 
> litter, I marched over there in my pajamas armed
> with a carrier and a 
> dish of food.  She struggled valiantly against her
> capture, but she 
> didn't purposely try to scratch, or bite.  That
> night, a kind vet told 
> me that she was emaciated, jaundiced and in danger
> of losing her life if 
> she delivered her kittens.  She was spayed, given
> fluids and a shot of 
> antibiotics.  Sadly, her five little ones never got
> to see the light of 
> day.  The first week of her recovery she barely
> stirred from her bed, 
> she'd growl everytime I approached with a plate of
> food, but somehow she 
> still made it to the litter box to relieve herself. 
> It was touch and 
> go, I didn't know if she'd make it, it seemed she'd
> lost the desire to 
> live.  Exactly a week to the day after her surgery
> she came alive and 
> displayed all the indications of someone suffering
> from Post Traumatic 
> Stress Disorder.  I can only imagine the horrors
> she'd faced on the 
> street.  It's so obvious that this little darling
> was loved, protected 
> and cherished at one time.  She was ill equipped to
> deal with the 
> overwhelming task of fending for herself.  Can you
> imagine finding 
> yourself in such a hostile world?  Tom's attacking
> her to mate, 
> terrifying encounters with dogs out for the sport of
> her blood, and all 
> the time searching and mourning for the comfort and
> safety she had so 
> recently known.  It's no wonder the poor little
> thing was terrified of 
> any being with four legs and that it took a bit of
> persuading for her to 
> see that she had finally found a friend in me.  My
> sore back can attest 
> to the hours spent cuddling with her on the bathroom
> floor.  Her need 
> for affection and a feeling of protection was so
> great that she'd howl 
> and yowl everytime I left her side.  I was so
> concerned for her!  By the 
> second day of this behavior, she had cried herself
> hoarse!  None of us 
> got any sleep, unless I was with her.  In recent
> days we've been seeing 
> slow improvement in her ability to view the world as
> a safe place 
> again.  She no longer hurls herself in fright with
> claws and teeth bared 
> at the screen door that separates her from the rest
> of my household when 
> she spots one of my other animals.  She's still
> growling under her 
> breath at the dogs, but she's begun to allow my
> little cat Pistol to 
> keep her company when she sits vigil outside the
> door.  I've been doing 
> my best to reunite her with her former guardian, but
> so far, no luck.  
> My home, as loving as it is, is crowded with animals
> and not an 
> appropriate placement for one so emotionally
> fragile.  Please pray that 
> I find her an understanding home that will suit her
> special needs.  One 
> that can lavish love and compassion on this
> deserving little soul.  This 
> little one has so much to share, if only we can find
> her true forever home.
> Nina
> Kat wrote:
> >Okay - make that "we 6" -
> >I'm still hear - just up to my eyeballs in work.
> >Nina, I'd love to hear about Matilda aka Atila the
> Honey.
> >Kat (Mew Jersey)
> >

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